.. BACpypes apdu module .. module:: apdu Application Layer PDUs ====================== This is a long line of text. Globals ------- .. data:: apdu_types This is a long line of text. .. data:: confirmed_request_types This is a long line of text. .. data:: complex_ack_types This is a long line of text. .. data:: unconfirmed_request_types This is a long line of text. .. data:: error_types This is a long line of text. Functions --------- .. function:: register_apdu_type(klass) This is a long line of text. .. function:: register_confirmed_request_type(klass) This is a long line of text. .. function:: register_complex_ack_type(klass) This is a long line of text. .. function:: register_unconfirmed_request_type(klass) This is a long line of text. .. function:: register_error_type(klass) This is a long line of text. .. function:: encode_max_apdu_segments(arg) .. function:: decode_max_apdu_segments(arg) This is a long line of text. .. function:: encode_max_apdu_response(arg) .. function:: decode_max_apdu_response(arg) This is a long line of text. PDU Base Types -------------- This is a long line of text. .. class:: APCI(PCI) .. attribute:: apduType .. attribute:: apduSeg .. attribute:: apduMor .. attribute:: apduSA .. attribute:: apduSrv .. attribute:: apduNak .. attribute:: apduSeq .. attribute:: apduWin .. attribute:: apduMaxSegs .. attribute:: apduMaxResp .. attribute:: apduService .. attribute:: apduInvokeID .. attribute:: apduAbortRejectReason This is a long line of text. .. method:: update(apci) :param apci: source data to copy This is a long line of text. .. method:: encode(pdu) decode(pdu) :param pdu: :class:`pdu.PDUData` buffer This is a long line of text. .. class:: APDU(APCI, PDUData) This is a long line of text. .. method:: encode(pdu) decode(pdu) :param pdu: :class:`pdu.PDUData` buffer This is a long line of text. .. class:: _APDU(APDU) This is a long line of text. .. method:: encode(pdu) decode(pdu) :param pdu: :class:`pdu.PDUData` buffer This is a long line of text. .. method:: set_context(context) :param context: :class:`APDU` reference Basic Classes ------------- This is a long line of text. .. class:: ConfirmedRequestPDU(_APDU) This is a long line of text. .. class:: ConfirmedRequestPDU(_APDU) This is a long line of text. .. class:: UnconfirmedRequestPDU(_APDU) This is a long line of text. .. class:: SimpleAckPDU(_APDU) This is a long line of text. .. class:: ComplexAckPDU(_APDU) This is a long line of text. .. class:: SegmentAckPDU(_APDU) This is a long line of text. .. class:: ErrorPDU(_APDU) This is a long line of text. .. class:: RejectPDU(_APDU) This is a long line of text. .. class:: SimpleAckPDU(_APDU) This is a long line of text. Sequence Classes ---------------- This is a long line of text. .. class:: APCISequence(APCI, Sequence) This is a long line of text. .. class:: ConfirmedRequestSequence(APCISequence, ConfirmedRequestPDU) This is a long line of text. .. class:: ComplexAckSequence(APCISequence, ComplexAckPDU) This is a long line of text. .. class:: UnconfirmedRequestSequence(APCISequence, UnconfirmedRequestPDU) This is a long line of text. .. class:: ErrorSequence(APCISequence, ErrorPDU) This is a long line of text. Errors ^^^^^^ This is a long line of text. .. class:: ErrorClass(Enumerated) This is a long line of text. .. class:: ErrorCode(Enumerated) This is a long line of text. .. class:: ErrorType(Sequence) This is a long line of text. .. class:: Error(ErrorSequence, ErrorType) This is a long line of text. Who-Is/I-Am ^^^^^^^^^^^ This is a long line of text. .. class:: WhoIsRequest(UnconfirmedRequestSequence) This is a long line of text. .. class:: IAmRequest(UnconfirmedRequestSequence) This is a long line of text. Who-Has/I-Have ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This is a long line of text. .. class:: WhoHasRequest(UnconfirmedRequestSequence) This is a long line of text. .. class:: WhoHasLimits(Sequence) This is a long line of text. .. class:: WhoHasObject(Choice) This is a long line of text. This is a long line of text. .. class:: IHaveRequest(UnconfirmedRequestSequence) This is a long line of text. Read-Property ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This is a long line of text. .. class:: ReadPropertyRequest(ConfirmedRequestSequence) This is a long line of text. .. class:: ReadPropertyACK(ComplexAckSequence) This is a long line of text. Write-Property ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This is a long line of text. .. class:: WritePropertyRequest(ConfirmedRequestSequence) This is a long line of text. Read-Property-Multiple ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This is a long line of text. .. class:: ReadPropertyMultipleRequest(ConfirmedRequestSequence) This is a long line of text. .. class:: ReadAccessSpecification(Sequence) This is a long line of text. .. class:: ReadPropertyMultipleACK(ComplexAckSequence) This is a long line of text. .. class:: ReadAccessResult(Sequence) This is a long line of text. .. class:: ReadAccessResultElement(Sequence) This is a long line of text. .. class:: ReadAccessResultElementChoice(Choice) This is a long line of text. Write-Property-Multiple ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This is a long line of text. .. class:: WritePropertyMultipleRequest(ConfirmedRequestSequence) This is a long line of text. .. class:: WriteAccessSpecification(Sequence) This is a long line of text. .. class:: WritePropertyMultipleError(ErrorSequence) This is a long line of text. Read-Range ^^^^^^^^^^ This is a long line of text. .. class:: ReadRangeRequest(ConfirmedRequestSequence) This is a long line of text. .. class:: Range(Choice) This is a long line of text. .. class:: RangeByPosition(Sequence) This is a long line of text. .. class:: RangeBySequenceNumber(Sequence) This is a long line of text. .. class:: RangeByTime(Sequence) This is a long line of text. .. class:: ReadRangeACK(ComplexAckSequence) This is a long line of text. Event-Notification ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This is a long line of text. .. class:: ConfirmedEventNotificationRequest(ConfirmedRequestSequence) This is a long line of text. .. class:: UnconfirmedEventNotificationRequest(Sequence) This is a long line of text. Change-Of-Value-Notification ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ This is a long line of text. .. class:: UnconfirmedCOVNotificationRequest(UnconfirmedRequestSequence) This is a long line of text. Other Errors ^^^^^^^^^^^^ This is a long line of text. .. class:: ChangeListError(ErrorSequence) This is a long line of text. .. class:: CreateObjectError(ErrorSequence) This is a long line of text. .. class:: ConfirmedPrivateTransferError(ErrorSequence) This is a long line of text. .. class:: VTCloseError(ErrorSequence) This is a long line of text.