Welcome to BACpypes

BACpypes library for building BACnet applications using Python. Installation is easy, just:

$ sudo easy_install bacpypes

You will be installing the latest released version. You can also check out the latest version from SourceForge:

$ svn checkout https://svn.code.sf.net/p/bacpypes/code/trunk bacpypes

And then use the setup utility to install it:

$ cd bacpypes/trunk/
$ python setup.py install

If you would like to participate in its development, please join the developers mailing list and use the Trac to create tickets and monitor the project development. There is also a Google+ page that you can add to your circles have have release notifications show up in your stream.

For an overview of the current project activity, there is a Trello board, feel free to become a member and share what you are doing with the rest of the BACpypes community.

Welcome aboard!

Getting Started

This section is a walk through of the process of installing the library, downloading the sample code and communicating with a test device.


This tutorial is a step-by-step walk through of the library describing the essential components of a BACpypes application and how the pieces fit together.


The library has a variety of sample applications, some of them are a framework for building larger applications, some of them are standalone analysis tools that don’t require a connection to a network.


This documentation is intended for BACpypes developers.


Release Notes

Indices and tables