.. BACpypes base types module .. module:: basetypes Base Types ========== This is a long line of text. Array ----- .. class:: ArrayOfObjectIdentifier This is a long line of text. Bit Strings ----------- .. class:: BACnetDaysOfWeek(BitString) This is a long line of text. .. class:: BACnetEventTransitionBits(BitString) This is a long line of text. .. class:: BACnetLimitEnable(BitString) This is a long line of text. .. class:: BACnetObjectTypesSupported(BitString) This is a long line of text. .. class:: BACnetResultFlags(BitString) This is a long line of text. .. class:: BACnetServicesSupported(BitString) This is a long line of text. .. class:: BACnetStatusFlags(BitString) This is a long line of text. Enumerations ------------ .. class:: BACnetAccumulatorStatus(Enumerated) This is a long line of text. .. class:: BACnetAction(Enumerated) This is a long line of text. .. class:: BACnetBinaryPV(Enumerated) This is a long line of text. .. class:: BACnetDeviceStatus(Enumerated) This is a long line of text. .. class:: BACnetEngineeringUnits(Enumerated) This is a long line of text. .. class:: BACnetEventState(Enumerated) This is a long line of text. .. class:: BACnetEventType(Enumerated) This is a long line of text. .. class:: BACnetFileAccessMethod(Enumerated) This is a long line of text. .. class:: BACnetLifeSafetyMode(Enumerated) This is a long line of text. .. class:: BACnetProgramError(Enumerated) This is a long line of text. .. class:: BACnetProgramRequest(Enumerated) This is a long line of text. .. class:: BACnetProgramState(Enumerated) This is a long line of text. .. class:: BACnetPropertyIdentifier(Enumerated) This is a long line of text. .. class:: BACnetNotifyType(Enumerated) This is a long line of text. .. class:: BACnetPolarity(Enumerated) This is a long line of text. .. class:: BACnetPrescale(Sequence) This is a long line of text. .. class:: BACnetReliability(Enumerated) This is a long line of text. .. class:: BACnetSegmentation(Enumerated) This is a long line of text. .. class:: BACnetVTClass(Enumerated) This is a long line of text. .. class:: BACnetNodeType(Enumerated) This is a long line of text. Structures ---------- .. class:: BACnetActionCommand(Sequence) This is a long line of text. .. class:: BACnetActionList(Sequence) This is a long line of text. .. class:: BACnetAddress(Sequence) This is a long line of text. .. class:: BACnetAddressBinding(Sequence) This is a long line of text. .. class:: BACnetDateRange(Sequence) This is a long line of text. .. class:: BACnetWeekNDay(OctetString) This is a long line of text. .. class:: BACnetCalendarEntry(Choice) This is a long line of text. .. class:: BACnetScale(Choice) This is a long line of text. .. class:: BACnetTimeValue(Sequence) This is a long line of text. .. class:: BACnetDailySchedule(Sequence) This is a long line of text. .. class:: BACnetDateTime(Sequence) This is a long line of text. .. class:: BACnetRecipient(Choice) This is a long line of text. .. class:: BACnetDestination(Sequence) This is a long line of text. .. class:: BACnetPropertyStates(Choice) This is a long line of text. .. class:: NotificationChangeOfBitstring(Sequence) This is a long line of text. .. class:: NotificationChangeOfState(Sequence) This is a long line of text. .. class:: NotificationChangeOfValueNewValue(Choice) This is a long line of text. .. class:: NotificationChangeOfValue(Sequence) This is a long line of text. .. class:: NotificationCommandFailure(Sequence) This is a long line of text. .. class:: NotificationFloatingLimit(Sequence) This is a long line of text. .. class:: NotificationOutOfRange(Sequence) This is a long line of text. .. class:: NotificationComplexEventType(Any) This is a long line of text. .. class:: NotificationChangeOfLifeSafety(Any) This is a long line of text. .. class:: NotificationExtended(Any) This is a long line of text. .. class:: NotificationBufferReady(Any) This is a long line of text. .. class:: NotificationUnsignedRange(Any) This is a long line of text. .. class:: BACnetNotificationParameters(Choice) This is a long line of text. .. class:: BACnetObjectPropertyReference(Sequence) This is a long line of text. .. class:: BACnetObjectPropertyValue(Sequence) This is a long line of text. .. class:: BACnetObjectType(ObjectType) This is a long line of text. .. class:: BACnetPriorityValue(Choice) This is a long line of text. .. class:: BACnetPriorityArray Implemented as ArrayOf(BACnetPriorityValue) .. class:: BACnetPropertyReference(Sequence) This is a long line of text. .. class:: BACnetPropertyValue(Sequence) This is a long line of text. .. class:: BACnetRecipientProcess(Sequence) This is a long line of text. .. class:: BACnetSessionKey(Sequence) This is a long line of text. .. class:: BACnetSetpointReference(Sequence) This is a long line of text. .. class:: BACnetSpecialEvent(Sequence) This is a long line of text. .. class:: BACnetTimeStamp(Choice) This is a long line of text. .. class:: BACnetVTSession(Sequence) This is a long line of text. .. class:: BACnetDeviceObjectReference(Sequence) This is a long line of text.